Mirza Abbas, a standing committee member of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), lamented the absence of Eid joy among the country’s people due to ongoing financial crises. Speaking at BNP founder Ziaur Rahman’s grave, Abbas recalled a time when Eid celebrations were vibrant under past BNP leadership, contrasting it sharply with the current subdued atmosphere.

He observed the visible strain on people's faces as they struggled to afford sacrificial animals, highlighting a cattle market near his home where traders faced difficulties selling cows due to financial constraints. Abbas attributed these hardships to what he termed as an "illegitimate and unelected" government, suggesting that an elected administration could alleviate such issues.

Expressing solidarity with imprisoned party members, Abbas criticized the government’s foreign policy, alleging it had weakened Bangladesh's position internationally. He also voiced concerns over the tense situation on Saint Martin’s Island, blaming Myanmar’s military and accusing the current government of failing to effectively manage the crisis.

Amidst these challenges, Abbas discussed internal party dynamics, describing recent reshuffles as part of a democratic process to strengthen the BNP. The day’s proceedings included prayers and remembrance at Zia’s grave, marking Eid-ul-Azha with a special focus on the party's future direction and national issues.

This title encapsulates Abbas's critique of economic hardships, political challenges, and international relations, as discussed during Eid observations at Ziaur Rahman’s grave.